Monday, February 5, 2007

Tag...I'm it!!!

Great. Finally i'm doing something worthwhile. The operative word being 'worthwhile'.

I'm thinking about...
The fight i witnessed today in the mess. A good example of lunacy, cowardice, bravery and real non-violence at the same instant.
How i would love to perform the Floyd song 'Time' onstage sometime.

I said...
Nothing. Just remained transfixed to the spot. How cowardly.

I am...
Unpredictable. Weak willed. But hopefully someone who doesn't fit into a typecast.

I want to...
Get over with this damned thing as quickly as possible and then play Counter Strike.

I make with my hands...
Workshop models and Engineering Graphics drawings. The latter against my will.

I wish...
I could play like Hendrix. And that i had opted for Physics Hons. after my board. And that i could obliterate this post of the materialistic stuff i have written about. And loads of other things.

I cry...
WAY too much than a young man is expected to.

I hear...
Right now, Dire Straits.

I wonder...
At the breathtakingly scenic natural beauty of Manipal. Exhilarating, humbling and awe-inspiring all at once.

I regret...
A lot of stuff. Including my expertise at the ability to procrastinate and making a certain somebody's life at school a living hell.

I confuse...
Birthdays, and dates in general.

I dance...

I sing...
Whenever i feel like, without caring about who is listening. And mostly Classic rock.

I am not always...
A good friend to have.

I write...
Rarely. Only when i recieve some unpleasant external or internal stimulus.

I need...
To play Counter Strike. So excuse me, please.

1 comment:

mystic rainman said...

excellent! especially the last verse regarding cs!!