Friday, March 2, 2007

A Love Poem...With a Difference

As you rest in my arms, close to my heart,
I wish that for eternity we may never break apart.
Through proximity our bodies and souls intertwine,
Through you I speak, through you I shine.

For when I hold you, glorious solace I find,
Pain vanquished, thrown out of my mind.
Anxiety and desolation that stripped me bare,
When beside you I need no longer fear.

In my arms you weep,
In my arms you laugh,
In my arms you shout,
In my arms you sing.

Yet it is not you but I,
who in truth laugh, shout and cry.
Through your taut strings I effuse,
Translate my thoughts into moody blues.

Time passes, the hours fly,
Soon it's time to say goodbye.
Until we meet again tomorrow,
To be reconsumed by bitterness and sorrow.


Jayashree Bhat said...

There's something I like about this poem. I can't put my finger on it, though.
Yes, you can link to my blog if you want to.

ami said...

It starts out in a very celebratory mood, giving the false impression of a happy reality. And the last stanza undercuts it all. Unless i haven't completely misread it, it appeals to me. The poem, not the cause behind it.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... subtletyis the key eh?? very well done.. the in my arms part was ... well... (how did ya come up with it man???) just... too good... can't find too many big words to describe your poem, as i am no good a critic... just an honest opinion of a fellow guitar lover... BRAVO!!!!

ami said...

*in electronic monotone*
You have been tagged
Write a limerick, fast :P

ami said...

I linked your blog to mine. So there.

Udita Banerjee said...'s like that.
we laugh,cry,shout,sing in spite of the bitterness and sorrow....